Large outdoor pools surrounded by rocks are fed by free-flowing thermal water.
Clothing is optional after dark.
Be careful of ice and snow
I drove up the mountain from Steamboat Springs, a famous ski resort known.
After a 20-minute drive, I arrived at the hot springs.

It is open all year around, but a four-wheel drive with snow tires or chains is required from November 1 to May 1.
Please use shuttle services if you have safety concerns.

This is the carriage porch of the shuttles.
Walk-in is $15.00 to $20.00 per adult for all day (as of this writing).

There are camping grounds as well as lodging cabins.
It is interesting that they have a special accommodation in a train caboose.

Air of openness
I found it steaming on the opposite side of the creek.

Closing is required during daylight hours.
This log house is the changing room for both men and women.

The room is divided into four by curtains and heated with the wood-burning stove

The large pool in the right side is the kept water of the creek.
Guests can swim in it, which is just cold.

The hottest water is in the left side after going down the steps.

The water gushes at around 145 degrees F.

This pool was fed by only the free-flowing water; eventually it was comfortable temperature around 108 degrees F.

The water was clear, colorless, and odorless.

I found some traces of pools.
Perhaps it might be under renovation.

The hot well is on a hillside.

Spilled water goes down on the slope, and flows into another changing room.

The thermal water seemed to be used for heating the space.

Two large pools were along the creek.

The upper pool was maintained at 104 degrees F.

There were water gates that controlled the water input from the creek.

On the opposite side, there was a massage room and small rock walled pool.
An additional fee is required to enjoy the luxury time.

The lower pool was maintained at 100 degrees F.

It was a good option to stay long while soaking.

Clothing becomes optional after dark.

The air of openness at Strawberry Park is really unique and fabulous.

Strawberry Park Hot Springs, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, U.S.
My rating
Type: Walk-in, Lodging
Rule: Clothing required, Clothing optional, Private pool
Chemical use: Not detected
Water temp: Up to 145 degrees F