I do not know such State like Idaho where has a number of soakable hot springs in a particular area.
Most of them are undeveloped ones with extremely hot water.
Under the cliff
There are many hot springs in the mountains north of Boise, the State capital of Idaho.

About 16.5 million years ago, an intense period of volcanism is considered to be initiated near the borders of Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho.
Subsequent volcanic eruptions can be traced across southern Idaho towards Yellowstone, which created present-day a number of hot springs.

It is about a 15-minute drive from the intersection of the Mountain Village Resort in Stanley.
Reference:Mountain Village Resort - Hot Springs in Idaho
If you like to soak as well at the base of hot springing in the nearby mountains, this motel could be the option. Overnight guests are allowed to use the rustic bath house, with the reservation. Commercial hub of a ...
Turning left to the dirt road, I parked my car and observed around.

The rocky hill in the left side is the landmark.
Looking down to the creek, I found a rock walled pool in the riverside.

Relatively hard to find

The slope was too steep to climb down from the dirt road to the creek.
I found another path to come around behind the rocky hill.

Right under the cliff, there is almost no flat area except for the stream.

Due to the geographical conditions, only by being separated by rocks, the hot spring can be suitable for soaking.

Flooding will easily change its shape.

When I visited there, there were two rock walled pools.

The water outlet was in the upper tub.

Clear, colorless, and odorless water was gushing intensively among rocks.
I did not feel it upwelling up from the bottom of the river.

It was scalding hot; 160 degrees F.
I had to move rocks in order to mix river water for chilling.

Basin Creek Hot Springs is relatively hard to find, keeping away from highway.
I really enjoyed quiet soaking in the nature.

Countless hot springs in such undeveloped style are in Idaho; soakers have so many options.
Basin Creek Hot Springs, Stanley, Idaho, U.S.
My rating
Type: Undeveloped
Rule: Clothing optional
Chemical use: No
Water temp: Up to 140 degrees F