New Mexico

Manby (Stagecoach) Hot Springs [PRIVATE PROPERTY] - Hot Springs in New Mexico


An unfinished resort that was abandoned in the early 20th century.

The road to the hot springs is becoming more difficult.


We have been informed that the property is privately owned and therefore unavailable. Please consider visiting based on the latest local information.

Earthship Biotecture

It is an architectural style developed by Michael Reynolds, an architect based in Taos, New Mexico, since the 1970s.

Earthship has been developed as off-grid housing that minimizes dependence on infrastructure and fossil fuels, and are built to use available natural resources, especially solar energy and rainwater.

Earthship Biotecture 01

The design is simple, with a focus on one-story buildings so that even people with no knowledge of architecture can build them, and uses scrap materials such as tires.

This style has spread to small communities around the world.

Troubled hot springs

It is about a 20-minute drive from the Earthship Biotecture.

Dirt Road 01

Access to the Manby Hot Springs is much trickier than to the nearby Black Rock.

Reference:Black Rock Hot Springs - Hot Springs in New Mexico

In the lush natural highlands of northern New Mexico, there is a traditional Native American settlement. The fact that the hot springs are located in the immediate vicinity of the World Heritage-listed residence should not be overlooked. Taos Pueblo The ...

Trailhead 02

First of all, Google Maps will not point you to the exact route.

Make no mistake, the only place where passenger cars can safely enter is Tune Drive, which branches off from Route 64.

Trailhead 01

Furthermore, the second half of Tune Drive is a rough dirt road and a private road.

Rio Grande River 02

Accordingly, there is a risk that traffic on this road will be considered trespassing, and as a result of the popularity of the spot, especially after the pandemic, enforcement has been tightened.

You are responsible for your own visit.
Do you really want to go that far?
Rio Grande River 01

Once I reached the parking lot along the Rio Grande, the rest of the hike was just a diagonal descent down the slope of the deep canyon.

View from the Trail 01

It was about a mile round trip with the river flowing on the right; as I passed by the hot springs and turned around to come back.

Cliff 01

On a small rise in the riverbed, there was a structure that looked like it had something to do with it.

Ruins 01

It was thought to be the remains of a former cabin.

Ruins 02

This hot springs have been used by the indigenous Puebloan culture long before the arrival of the Spanish.

Ruins 03

In the 19th century, European-Americans settled in the area, and the hot springs became a tourist spot accessible by stagecoach.

Ruins 04

In 1906, an Englishman, Arthur Munby, acquired this land.

This was allegedly a robbery involving lies, trickery, and theft.

Pools 04

Around 1922, Manby began construction of a luxurious hot spring resort named Lost Springs of the Aztecs.

Pools 03

However, in 1929, the resort was never completed and Manby was brutally murdered by someone.

It was said that this was because of his aggressive ways, which caused a lot of resentment; but the truth is not known.

Pool 01

Since then, the hot spring has been abandoned haunted by the ghost of Manby, and the remains of cabins and bathhouse have been left while collapsing.

Well 01

There were three pools in total.

Pools 06

I especially liked this pool near a structure that looked like a well.

Pools 05

The highly transparent water gushed up from the sandy bottom, and the surface of the water rippled with its abundant outpouring.

Water temp 01

The tasteless and odorless water was as warm as 91 degrees F, which might be great in the summer.

Standing 01

The only regrettable thing was that the land rights were complicated and there was possibility of being caught trespassing on private property.

It is a hot spring that has always been a source of trouble.

Pools 02


Manby (Stagecoach) Hot Springs, Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico, U.S.

My rating

Type: Undeveloped

Rule: Clothing optional

Chemical use: No

Water temp: Up to 91 degrees F

  • Writer

Hot Springer Ken

A hot spring enthusiast based in Japan. Toured over 300 North American hot springs while working in Texas from 2016 to 2022. For updates, visit X or Instagram!

-New Mexico
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