An hour and a half drive from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Just across the state line into California is the spa town of Tecopa Hot Springs.
Badwater Basin
One of the main attractions of Death Valley National Park is the Badwater Basin.
At -282 feet above sea level, it is the lowest point on the North American continent.

Located at the bottom of an evaporating salt lake, the repeated cycles of melting and evaporation reveal a thin salt crust in the shape of a hexagonal honeycomb.
No Clothing in Water

Drive from Badwater Basin to Tecopa Hot Springs in just over an hour.
It is a spa town in an easy-to-get-to location.

There was a cross stuck at the top of the hill.
As I climbed breathlessly to the summit, the view looked like this.

Directly below was Tecopa Hot Springs Campground & Pools, with the men's baths on the left and the women's baths on the right.
I found that only the women's bath has a half-open-air bath.

Walk-in is $9.00 (as of the time of writing).

It is available free of charge to campground guests.

When I opened the door to the bathroom, I saw a sign warning "No Clothing in Water."

I thought this was an unusual rule since Clothing Required or Clothing Optional is common in the US.

The men's bath was divided into two indoor baths.
This was the upstream bathroom.

A large amount of 108 degrees F water was thrown in and there appeared to be no chlorine disinfection.
Hot water flowed through a hole in the wall into the downstream bathroom.

Because of this structure, the downstream water was lukewarm.
It is one of the best options for a day trip from Las Vegas or a quick soak while sightseeing in Death Valley.
Tecopa Hot Springs Campground & Pools, Tecopa, California, U.S.
My rating
Type: Walk-in, Lodging (campground)
Rule: Gender-separated
Chemical use: Not detected
Water temp: Up to 108 degrees F