
Umpqua Hot Springs - Hot Springs in Oregon


A form of undeveloped hot springs spa that is not common in other states but is common in Oregon, and it is paid for.

It was in a national forest and reasonably well managed.

On top of a hill of tufa

A four-hour drive from Portland and eight hours from the Bay Area, Umpqua Hot Springs is hard to reach for most travelers.

Road 01

I found many similarities with the Terwilliger Hot Springs in the same state.

Reference:Terwilliger (Cougar) Hot Springs - Hot Springs in Oregon

Hot mineral water with faint sulfur smell flows down along the series of rock walled pools. Terwilliger is one of the most popular clothing optional natural hot springs in the State of Oregon. Near hippie town One of Eugene's many ...

Both are located in national forests, require a fee, require light hiking, and are popular spots.

Parking Lot 01

There was a parking lot at the end of a dirt road in good condition.

This was a day use only area and camping was not allowed.

Trailhead 01

The fee was only $5.00 per car/day (as of this writing).

There was no attendant present at the time of my visit, so I put the money into the box.

Bridge 01

After crossing the rainbow-colored bridge, I climbed 0.8 miles round trip.

Although the distance was short, it was steep.

Trail 01

Once you find a graffiti-colored vault toilet, the hot springs are just around the corner.

Rest Room 01

Reddish-brown tufa was deposited in the form of hills, and a stream flowed far below.

Overview 01

The hot springs consisted of roughly six pools, all of which were primitive and were made by volunteers who hollowed out the precipitation.

The rule is clothing optional, and some people were seen naked.

Upper Pools 02

Covered by a crumbling roof was the main pool.

It was large enough to accommodate five soakers.

Shack 02

There was no gush at this location, and all the hot water was drawn from the source above it.

Shack 03

The water temp in the main pool was 106 degrees F.

Shack 01

The hose could be manipulated to prevent it from getting too hot.

That's a stunning cliff.
Don't fall off.

Umpqua Hot Springs, Oregon

Mitchell Friedman – Umpqua Hot Springs, Oregon (2011) CC BY 2.0

The overflowing water flowed down the slope over a wide area.

Tufa dome 04

In places, I found hollowed-out hot pools.

Tufa dome 01

The tufa mound was a natural cooling system as well as a natural art form.

The lower one went, the more lukewarm the water became.

Tufa dome 03

A pool surrounded by rocks could be seen down to the riverbank.

The naturally flowing thermal water was being used to its fullest by taking advantage of the difference in elevation.

Riverside 01

Hot water straight out of the ground

Now that we have enjoyed the unparalleled full view of the Umpqua Hot Springs, it is time to take a long soak in the water.

The hot water from the source, which is the highest, flowed into all the other pools.

Hottest Pool 02

At first glance, it looked like muddy water, but don't worry.

The bottom surface was soft soil, but the muddy water was of hot spring origin and clean enough.

Hottest Pool 01

Gushing straight out of the ground with occasional bubbles.

A little hot, 111 degrees F.

Water Temp 01

When I sink my body into the pool after enduring the heat, I strongly felt the metallic smell.

Soaking 02

I have the impression that the paid wild hot springs found in Oregon are usually nice.

They are reasonably well manned, reasonably well left alone, and wonderful.

Soaking 01


Umpqua Hot Springs, Umpqua National Forest, Oregon, U.S.

My rating

Type: Undeveloped (fee required)

Rule: Clothing optional

Chemical use: No

Water temp: Up to 111 degrees F

Official website

  • Writer

Hot Springer Ken

A hot spring enthusiast based in Japan. Toured over 300 North American hot springs while working in Texas from 2016 to 2022. For updates, visit X or Instagram!

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