This natural hot spring pool has been passed down from generation to generation by the Durfee family.
It has a history of about 100 years, yet it is so simple that you do not feel it.
History begins again
At the southern tip of Idaho, near the City of Rocks National Reserve, a scenic spot is known to rock climbers, lies the small town of Almo.
Durfee Hot Springs is a pool facility that uses the natural hot springs that gush up in that town.
This simple facility is available for day use only.
The structure provided direct access to the pools from the parking lot, but I stopped at the office first.
The office with a gift shop.
Only a few snacks and other items were sold.
Spacious and clean changing room / restroom.
I went to this place thinking it was a historic spa founded in the 1920s, but it was so new and unpretentious that it was a bit of a letdown.
In fact, the facility fell into disrepair in the early 1960s and was closed for a long time.
The founder's descendants opened the doors again in 2005.
After a long blank period, the pool underwent a major remodeling, and the original gravel pool was replaced by four concrete pools.
Minimalist beauty
The kiddie pool was closest to the shower.
It was shallow at 2 feet deep, but the thermal water was well-used.
I love that the water surface was set so high that it looked like it might spill.
Two hot pools for adults, 4 feet deep.
The water temp at the water outlet was 115 degrees F.
The temperature throughout the pool was maintained at approximately 104 degrees F.
One side of this hot pool was covered by a roof.
Since the surrounding area was unobstructed field, I spent a lot of time under this sunshade.
The water was tasteless and odorless, with no special characteristics.
It was not disinfected with chlorine, and the amount of fresh water put in was sufficient for a pleasant soaking.
I do not know if there is a difference in the degree of regulation from state to state, but my impression is that many of Idaho's hot springs have no disinfection, even in places like swimming pools.
The 50-foot-square swimming pool was filled with tepid spring water.
The poolside was lined with rustic changing rooms.
The interior was finished like a temporary structure.
It could have been staged in a more period-appropriate manner, since it was a long-established facility.
What was here was the hot spring pool that had been a part of the local residents' lives.
Its simplicity was being sublimated into a minimalist beauty.
Durfee Hot Springs, Almo, Idaho, U.S.
My rating
Type: Walk-in
Rule: Clothing required
Chemical use: Not detected
Water temp: Up to 115 degrees F